Saturday, September 28, 2024

One Word Film project

In this assignment, we were directed to make a 1-1:30 film where no words could be used but we were given an emotion to portray to practice our editing skills.

My group was given the word optimism. While we were brainstorming, we had thought of multiple ideas such as taking a test, applying for a job, etc. We had finally settled on a person doing an audition, since multiple of the people in the group to theatre, we would find it easy to act out the audition process while giving us more time to focus on the editing of this project. 

We had created our storyboard to help us recognize what angles we would need and where we should shoot the following clips. This helped us plan when and where we would need to be for the filming process of this project. After filming, I had decided to edit on iMovie since I had little experience editing and I had heard it's easiest to learn on iMovie and then take those basic skills to more advanced platforms later on. 

Looking at my finished results, I think the actual filming of the project had gone very well. Many different filming techniques were used, and the brainstorming sheet had helped us plan all of our shots out very well, so we knew what we were doing. I definitely think I could improve on my editing skills, I didn't have many clean transitions between clips so I think that specifically is what I should focus on. I also think my group struggled with continuity since we filmed on two separate days and we hadn't thought of us wearing different outfits when the film takes place within the same day.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 In this quiz, we told a story using 15 photos and utilize multiple camera shot types to help convey our story.

I told the story of a yellow creature who wanted to learn how to write music, and hired a teacher to help it compose a song.

I think in this assignment, I could've used more diverse camera angles and shot types. I had repeated using long shots and mid-shots a lot which could've been replaced with other options and the story could have been told the same or even better. I also think my storytelling was unclear and could use improvement. Another way I could've improved is if I had used better lighting to make what was on the computer more detailed, since that would help the viewer see what exactly the creature was working on. 

Link to the Camera Shots Quiz

Group Meeting #2

      Today we did our second group meeting! We discussed everything about our films production and such, and I got a lot of great feedback ...