My biggest challenge for this script was definately not spoiling the whole plot within these two minutes, and also making sure it was clear from the beginning the Figment character is NOT REAL.
I also really aimed to make sure all the dialogue is believeable and the scenes tie together well enough to be cohesive for just the opening. Since my idea is so different, ther isn't a lot of referance I can use for this. So I'm really glad this turned out the way I wanted it to, especially for my first time writing a script for something like this!
Title: Silenced
Extra info. On film (To help me write this script):
Psychological Drama
Cabaret-esque w/ theming
Freedom of speech
More inspo. from newer cabaret, main character is secretly the bad one.
Whenever someone says something the main character doesn’t like their mouth gets covered in tape and character is next shown wearing MC’s colors
Everyone in college
Parts may be cut out as needed, script will be updated during filming.
Characters (and cast):
Charles (Luken Aldazabal): Main character, represents a new govt. 19
Jackson (Matthew Squeri): Charles’ best friend. 19. Represents revolution.
Maria (Ale Aldana): Charles’ Friend. 19 Represents the oppressed
Leyla (Mariana Aldana): Maria’s cousin, 18. Represents the oppressed
Dylan (Clara Pangalangan): Leyla’s best friend., 18. Represents minorities.
The Figment (Jaden Mantis): Not a real person, only able to be seen by Charles. Represents silent oppression.
Open w/ credits as a bunch of clips roll of the side characters getting silenced by the figment while talking to Charles
Charles & Jackson’s dorm room
Jackson. Hey Charles! Are we going to study later? We have a huge exam next week.
Charles. No...? I thought we were gonna go to your cousin's party...
Jackson. Trust me, my cousin will throw plenty more. I’d rather we pass, then we can go out later.
Charles. Well, study all you want. I know I’m passing.
Jackson. Big talk for someone who failed the last quiz.
The figment walks up behind Jackson.
Charles. Shut up you know I was running on like two hours of sleep that day.
Jackson. And that will happen again on the day of our exam when you choose to study last minute.
Charles. Ok. Maybe you're right. Still won't stop me from going out tonight, though.
Jackson. You can’t be serious? It's literally MY cousins party. You're MY plus one.
Charles. You're being difficult for no reason. It's my life. Let me live it.
Jackson. I thought you wanted to be successful-
The figment puts tape over Jackson's mouth (silencing)
Jackson turns away and rips the tape off of his mouth while walking off.
Next clip.
Next day, Charles is studying with his friends Leyla, Dylan and Maria.
Leyla. Charles, you can't be serious about switching majors.
Maria. Yeah- I thought we were all gonna complete the forensics program together.
Leyla. Plus, like no other schools offer this major.
Charles. Guys, it’s not a big deal.
Leyla. It kinda is.
Dylan walks over
Charles. No, it’s fine. We’ll still all graduate at the same time.
Maria. But the whole point was that our friend group would be doing this together.
Dylan. Charles? You're switching majors??
Charles. It's seriously not a big deal!
Leyla. Ok even if you think it's not, think about how it affects us.
Charles. Well...I guess. I didn't think of it like that.
Dylan. Charles it's your choice, but we just don't wanna let you pick the wrong one.
Charles. I mean...thanks for looking out for me?
Maria. Jackson told us about how you went to party instead of studying...and failed.
Leyla. We just think you don't need to change majors for this.
Charles. Guys it's not about the party.
The figment walks up behind Charles, clearly not being seen by the others.
Maria. Fine. Do whatever you want.
She walks off.
Dylan. I think you should take some more time to at least think this through-
Leyla. Yeah, It's a big choice.
The Figment puts tape over Dylan's mouth.
The Figment puts tape over Leyla's mouth.
Next clip(s)
Sequence of shots of multiple different people (Named characters for this opening + extras) saying Charles’ name, they begin overlapping and a shot of just Charles’ face is shown looking paranoid as the Figment stares at him.
Black screen, silence.
Alarm clock goes off.
The figment appears on screen in a room that appears to be Charles’
It rips a piece of Tape off Charles’ mouth.
Charles wakes up, panicked. Heavy breathing.
End of film opening.
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