Thursday, October 10, 2024

Soundscapes Project

In this project, we were directed to tell a story using only sounds with a partner. We were also assigned to use 4 foley sounds within the 1-2 minute time frame.

Approaching this project, me and my partner had decided we would make our project based off of a soccer game. To do this we would've needed to not only focus on what noise would be going on within the game itself, but also in the background too. We used our outline to highlight every single noise that could both normally be recognized in a soccer game, and also when you're just outside so we could layer the two to make it more believable. We had gone scene by scene in order to get every possible sound noticeable in the soccer game included in our project. To complete the project itself, me and my partner had utilized both Adobe Premier Pro and iMovie.

For the next time I use sound in a project, I would definitely like to use more believable sound effects. We had used many running sounds where the layering was not as strong as I had hoped it would be, so I would also like to get better at layering to make it sound more believable. I think our foley was done very well too, but I wish I had a better "foley stage" to record it in since the room I had used had a lot uncontrollable of background noise.

Soundscapes Project

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