Thursday, February 27, 2025

Creating props!

     This week, I need to have everything I need to film this project. I've been working with my friend Brandon who often helps with technical aspects of productions to help me create a prop list. My current largest issue prop wise right now is the need for textbooks. Obviously, I am NOT trying to spend over $100-200 per textbook when I need about 1-2 for each character, excluding the Figment. To solve this issue, me and Brandon will be using old large books (Most likely math books that we are given for free from school) that we have no need for anymore and creating new covers for them to match the actual film. Luckily, we never need to show the books being opened so I think this solution will work well.


    Using these as my textbook covers then having 2-3 of them would honestly be enough for the film. Although I don't know much about forensic programs, which is what I wrote the characters in for their classes, my sister will be majoring in that in college and they told be a bit about the curriculum. I think forensics is the perfect pick since they need to take a psychology class which I wanted to be somewhat included in the storyline, without them outright all being psychology majors. 

    Making these props will be super easy for me, since all I need to do is print these photos and cover the fronts of my old text/work books. I need to make sure I cover all sides of the 'textbook' with the same color to make the books look realistic, especially since these will be made from old ones. I didn't want that to be obvious for the audience so using pain or even copying the hex code of the background colors of these covers and printing just a whole page of that color to cover the sides would be a great solution to this issue.

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Group Meeting #2

      Today we did our second group meeting! We discussed everything about our films production and such, and I got a lot of great feedback ...