Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Group Meeting #1

    Today in class we did a group meeting! In this, we were put into small groups where everyone helped eachother figure out ideas for the project to help make them more concise. My group consisted of Candelaria, Alexis, Bella, and Paula. We each went one by one sharing our plans, and overall I think it went very well.

My group during the meeting!
    The first person to pitch her idea was Candelaria. She is doing a sports drama about a gymnast. She is also working in a group. The group had helped her discuss and figure out some mise-en-scene elements. Since she is planning on including a lot of bright lighting due to the setting, we had helped her decide to have the antagonist of the film wearing dark colors to contrast the nature of the film.

    Bella went next, she is also doing her project in a group, but hers will be a horror movie. We had discussed on what type of horror it would be (psychological, classic, supernatural, etc.). After she had decided on a more classic theme, she went on to describe the setting, color pallete, and more. For the setting, she knew she wanted it to be in a house since the opening would be focused on setting a table. She wants the main colors to be black, red, and silver. We discussed using more low-key lighting in the opening to immediately set the horror tone for her.

    Next, I went! I explained my plans on making it more psychological and including ideas of freedom of speech, without making it anything like horror. The group had helped me come up with the idea of making everyone in start in different color and as they get corrupted they slowly change into the same color- which will probably be red. They also helped me decide to put the main character in such a bright color that it would be evident when people change into that color. We also had discussed the idea of using more stage elements on the character that only the main character sees.
    Alexis seemed to need a bit of help from us, since she had only decided her genre and color schemes. Similar to Bella, she wants to use a lot of low-key lighting and is also doing a horror film. Though, hers will be a psychological horror rather than classic. She wants to incorporate a lot of dark blues and blacks too, but the actual idea of her film wasn't thought out yet. We had tried to help her but it was pretty hard without a basic idea.
    Finally, Paula went. Unfortunately, she had lost access to her entire blog and didn't have a good idea of what she was doing. We had brainstormed with her to help her have an easier time making her project, like doing it on one of her interests. While she obviously wouldn't do a documentary, many films are dramas or horrors based off of specific interests that she could use as a guideline for her project.
    Overall, this group meeting was very productive. Although none of us have perfect ideas, we did a good job of clearing up multiple aspects of everyones projects, and I think I really benefitted from this since I was given a lot of ideas for mise-en-scene elements.

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      Finally, the last CCR question! You know the drill, since I already explained my filming ideas I'll just get right into the questi...