Saturday, February 15, 2025

My full film idea

     Now that I have my media theory chosen and my research done, I need to know my exact film idea, or at least the basis of what it will be. Any small details can easily be left out of this summary, but this should also be used as a reference to my opening so it makes sense in the context of this film. I used a lot of inspiration from the recent production of Cabaret for these characters, since in my opinion it did the best job at disclose the message I am trying to convey. My goal for this film is for it to be a statement on the freedom of speech and how it is slowly being taken away from many societies across the world without people noticing. 

    The film opens with Charles (the main character)'s alarm going off, as this happens the Figment (who is only seen by Charles) takes a piece of tape off of his mouth. This is done to symbolize the start of a new government, where this person will be in power. Obviously, he is startled by this but he thinks he just didn't get enough sleep and ignores it. He gets ready for the day and goes off to his classes. 

    As he goes to his classes he meets up with his friend, Maria. They have a conversation talking about something that Charles does not agree with. As the tension rises the Figment slowly moves towards Maria and puts a piece of tape over her mouth. Next time Maria is seen she would be in the same bold colors Charles is originally shown wearing.

    He meets up with his friend group, Maria, Jackson, Roman and Leyla. Eventually once again, somebody says something he doesn't agree with, and any time this happens the figment goes up and puts tape over that person's mouth. This time, it was Leyla.

    The next day, Jackson tries to confront him. This time as the tape gets put over his mouth Jackson immediately rips it off and storms away.

    This will become a theme throughout the movie, as the Figment silences more and more people, they all begin to wear Charles' colors, and Jackson continues to stand up to Charles. 

    By the end of the movie, everyone in the film will be in Charles' colors and have tape over their mouths, except Jackson, who feels helpless. As he attempts one last time to stand up to Charles, he is confronted directly by the Figment. 

    Finally, Charles watches this go down, and it cuts to what Jackson sees. The Figment is gone, and by now it is 100% clear that it was never real in the first place. Charles realizes what he has done as Jackson confronts him and breaks down. The movie ends.

    Of course, this is a very brief summary, and an actual film would be a lot more in-depth, but I think at least knowing this is a good reference to my script and opening to make sure everything I include will make sense.

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Group Meeting #2

      Today we did our second group meeting! We discussed everything about our films production and such, and I got a lot of great feedback ...