Sunday, February 23, 2025


     My biggest challenge that I've had to think about has been sound. Since this film will require a lot of silence, I am worried about the normal parts of it being completely fine.

    One of my biggest ideas on what I wanted to do was have a light buzzing/white sound effect whenever the Figment appears to give him a sort of eerie appearance to him (video with described sound attached below.) I also plan on using some form of music, and while all the songs I have in mind are made by large artists that probably wont give me their permission to use their songs, I am also looking on social media apps to find smaller ones that have a larger chance at seeing my messages and responding. While the music wouldn't be 100% necessary, I think it would add more to the film if it went completely silent as the first clip started since the film is about silencing.

    Another challenge I am facing is deciding every single sound effect I would need for the scenes. I would even possibly add in some background chatter noises during the dorm room scene since that would help further establish setting and also add dimension to this scene. I would definitely add in common noises found outside for the studying scene. Another sound effect that is going to be 100% crucial to the film opening will be the alarm clock, since that kicks the whole film off.

 Overall, I think I know the audio I want to use, I just need to find it, and finding the specific audios is super difficult since if it's not already perfect I need to edit it a bit to make it perfect and suitable for my film. This will be a challenge, but I bet I will be able to figure it out in the long amount of time I've given myself to edit.

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Group Meeting #2

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