Thursday, March 13, 2025


     Now that I'm researching for the second question, I want to have my second CCR video idea too. I was thinking about splitting it up to be 1&3 then 2&4 since I know some of the questions will take longer for me to answer. 

For the second video, I need to really work with the small amount of time I have. Since I have 9-6 rehearsal this Sunday, which would be my ideal time to film, I want to maybe work around that and include it. This would be easy for me to work around my schedule. I was thinking I could create a fake documentary of what goes on during rehearsal while we are on lunch break. It would sort of be edited to resemble The Office, where it is very jokey and allows the
personalities of the characters to shine through.

    How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

    First of all, my film's target audience is definitely Gen Z. Knowing how they are evolving with technology, social media would definitely be a good way to engage with my audiences. Having an Instagram and a TikTok account just for the film would be a great way to promote, and then actively reply to fans. Another thing I would do to engage with audiences that I see often online would be having the cast members do Q&As on social media sites such as YouTube to have some sort of interaction with viewers. I would definitely also post a bunch of behind the scenes on these sites to make the filming process feel more relatable to audiences. In my research, if a viewer feels as though they could connect to a piece of media, they are more likely to continue to come back to those works. This will help me a strong fanbase through these methods.

    As for distribution, first thing I would do is release it in local movie theatres. Locally, this would be big for me, and in any given city if the right people showed up to the screenings it could be huge. Next I would post it for free on YouTube (with ads). After gaining profit and some recognition through this, I would contact a few streaming platforms to see if I could get it licensed to be streamed on those. Of course, I only think that part would be successful if my film got a lot of attention through my first few distribution strategies. I would also create a lot of overall hype around the film through releasing promotional trailers or clips of the movie, so that I will be more successful in the distribution part.

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      Finally, the last CCR question! You know the drill, since I already explained my filming ideas I'll just get right into the questi...