Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time to edit!

     Finally it's time to edit! As I've most likely mentioned before, I'm still relatively new to editing, so this has been a challenge for me the past few days. Figuring out everything on my own was super difficult for me, but I'm glad I got it done. To edit this film, I used Adobe Premiere Pro.

    For the sake of my project, I had watched a ton of tutorials on YouTube for more techniques than just basic ones. My top concern was the final clip of the opening with all the overlapping audio and video. Luckily, I was able to figure it all out with the tutorials. 

    Since a lot of this film is back and forth between the actors, I definitely utilized shot-reverse shots a lot here. While doing this, I filmed in the exact spot one character was while I filmed the other one as they both would say their lines that come before and after each other. This made editing a lot easier for me, too, since I didn't have to cut out unnecessary silence in the beginnings and ends of clips. 

    While editing, I also realized I needed to put the credits in. For the credits, I will have some of them overlapping with the scene until it gets to a more important part. This had easily let me give credits to everyone involved, without interrupting the film and also keeping the opening nice and short. 

    The issue I realized while editing was my first scene lasted WAY too long, though. Unfortunately, this mean I will have to cut out unnecessary lines from the second scene or even the whole scene all together. I still need to film more people saying "Charles" in the red room, so It will depend on how long that final part will last, since the first and last scenes I wrote for the opening matter the most.

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Group Meeting #2

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